BitKinex v3.0.2 英文正式版(FTP用戶端工具軟體) 安裝序號:
序號產生器放至於keygen夾內 內容說明:
一款FTP用戶端工具軟體。支援多種傳輸協定。最新版本使你可以訪問運行 FTP,FTPS,
SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS 和 WebDAV 等協定的伺服器。除了流行的FTP用戶端的功能意外(如
BitKinex 引進了幾個獨特的嘗試和解決方案。 英文說明:
BitKinex integrates the fuctionality of an innovative FTP, SFTP and WebDAV
client for Windows. In addition to features found in other popular FTP
programs (like support for the SSL/SSH, multipart and multithreaded
transfers, remote edit or FXP) our FTP client introduces several unique
approaches and solutions like:
- Site navigation without freezing windows
- Robust request handling saving your time and your data
- Indirect transfers simplifying your work
- User interface which doesn't clutter your desktop
- Inherited properties enabling easy and powerful configuration
- Expanded number of supported protocols and security standards 相關商品: